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Product using a custom color swatch - Labels

Product using a custom color swatch - Labels

Regular price $12 USD
Regular price $15 USD Sale price $12 USD
Sale Sold out

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id tellus velit. Mauris sodales nulla id ante blandit at dapibus enim sollicitudin. Maecenas dignissim sollicitudin leo, quis dictum eros malesuada vel. Nam adipiscing vestibulum nibh eget tempus. Proin vitae ante nec diam porttitor pharetra a eu lorem. Cras laoreet urna eu augue blandit euismod. Ut molestie libero quis nunc aliquam cursus. Praesent hendrerit leo vitae enim adipiscing in consequat orci tristique.

- There should be custom color swatches and both variants are on sale.

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